[ funny jokes ] Art vs. Science


Art vs Science

A scientist and a poet were traveling in the same
compartment on a train. They had never met before, so
naturally there wasn't much conversation between the two.
The poet was minding his own business, looking out the
window at the beauty of the passing terrain. The scientist
was very uptight, trying to think of things he didn't know
so he could try to figure them out. Finally, the scientist
was so bored that he said to the poet, "Hey, do you want to
play a game?" The poet, being content with what he was
doing, ignored him and continued looking out the window,
humming quietly to himself. This infuriated the scientist,
who irritably asked again, "Hey, you, do you want to play a
game? I'll ask you a question, and if you get it wrong, you
give me $5. Then, YOU ask ME a question, and if I can't
answer it, I'll give YOU $5."

The poet thought about this for a moment, but he decided
against it, seeing that the scientist was obviously a very
bright man. He politely turned down the scientist's offer.
The scientist, who by this time was going mad, tried a final
time. "Look, I'll ask you a question, and if you can't
answer it, you give me $5. Then you ask ME a question, and
if I can't answer it, I'll give you $50!"

Now, the poet was not that smart academically, but he wasn't
totally stupid. He readily accepted the offer. "Okay," the
scientist said, "what is the EXACT distance between the
Earth and the Moon?" The poet, obviously not knowing the
answer, didn't stop to think about the scientist's question.
He took a $5 bill out of his pocket and handed it to the
scientist. The scientist happily accepted the bill and
promptly said, "Okay, now it's your turn." The poet thought
about this for a few minutes and then asked, "All right,
what goes up a mountain on three legs, but comes down on

The bright glow quickly vanished from the scientist's face.
He thought about this for a long time, taking out his
notepad and making numerous calculations. He finally gave up
on his notepad and took out his laptop, using his Multimedia
Encyclopedia. After about an hour of this, the poet quietly
watching the mountains of Colorado go by the whole time, the
scientist FINALLY gave up. He reluctantly handed the poet a
$50 bill. The poet accepted it graciously, turning back to
the window.

"Wait!" the scientist shouted. "You can't do this to me!
What's the answer?" The poet looked at the scientist and
calmly put a $5 bill into his hand.


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