FW: - Pedra Branca: Round ke 2.


please take note, isu PB ni, yg kena nya rais yatim tapi yb dari pontian (?) senyum simpul kerana tak perlu menjawab..

now, lets go for round 2 .

>>would not be overturned even if Malaysia produced a letter which the latter claims would prove the islet belonged to it.

kalau dapat overtuned atau kalau ada surat itu, mau kah tentera kita mendarat diatas pulau kecil itu?

Singapore claiming EEZ around Pedra Branca


SINGAPORE, July 22 — Two months after being awarded its claim over Pedra Branca, Singapore is going ahead to claim an Exclusive Economic Zone around the island.

Dr Balaji Sadasivan, Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, told Parliament the "precise coordinates" would be announced at an appropriate time. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea (Unclos), a state can claim an Exclusive Economic Zone up to 200 nautical miles from its lands and islands, and up to 12 nautical miles of territorial sea.

If disputes arise with neighbouring countries, Singapore "will negotiate ... with the view to arriving at agreed delimitations in accordance with international laws", he added.

Balaji also expressed confidence that the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) judgment would not be overturned even if Malaysia produced a letter which the latter claims would prove the islet belonged to it.

The letter was penned in 1844 by the British Governor of the time, William T Butterworth, seeking permission from the Temenggong and Sultan of Johor to build a lighthouse on Pedra Branca.

Last month, Malaysian Foreign Minister Rais Yatim said he had ordered the letter tracked down so that Malaysia could appeal the ICJ's ruling. Said Sadasivan: "In our view, it is unlikely to make a difference to the court's judgment because it has already ruled that Johor had original title over Pedra Branca."



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