[funny-pictures] Sand Sculptures Arts Of Personalities:


Sand Sculptures Arts Of Different Personalities:

The poor as a kid, would Sudarsan Pattnaik him to go to the local beach and building sand castles. Did not mention the young man from Orrisa, India, and to achieve his hobby would make him famous and rich. These pictures show some of the sand sculpture carved Pattnaik.

Mr. Sudarshan Patnaik was born in the coastal town of Puri, Orissa. Being inspired by the spirit of the Voice of the Interior began a visit to the beach in Puri, all right on the day of his childhood. Started slowly carving out different faces of gods and goddesses in the sand with imagination and creativity. Initially forms were not mature as he had no guru sand because art is not considered a form of professional expertise in India. Despite these restrictions it had followed in his quest because he viewed it in creativity is the ability of God gifted. Took the challenge of sand to promote art as a form of professional art and art began with sand in different places in India.

Mr. Sudarshan Patnaik The ultimate goal is to create awareness and enthusiasm among the people and make it popular professional form of art among the people, which is to travel different places in the country, and demonstrates this form of art through workshops and training. Over and over again that he tried to repeat the various international events through the art of sand. Recently made by the feet 4 gigh Sculpture King of Pop Michael Jackson in Puri

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